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Each pupil has the opportunity to receive positive, challenging and interactive, and hands-on learning.

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Our teachers are easy to contact and will proactively communicate with you if there are any additional learning or social supports recommended for your child.  We believe that early intervention and parental awareness is key to helping students reach their potential.

Measuring Progress

Kingsley Primary School follows the provincial directives. Students receive a report card three times per year followed by a parent-teacher interview. Our small class sizes allow teachers the time and space to provide personal assistance to each student in the classroom.


Each pupil has the opportunity to receive positive, challenging and interactive, and hands-on learning.

Reasonable goals for the mastery of strong basic skills are tailored to the needs of each student and revised on a regular basis. Classes regularly take field trips and host classroom visitors.

At Kingsley a child’s progress will be evaluated:

  • using a variety of methods appropriate to the age and developmental stages of the child

  • in a manner that recognizes and differentiates for each child’s individual needs on a continuous basis

  • for purposes of extending learning

  • by implementing Learning for All – A Guide to Effective Assessment and Instruction for All Students, Kindergarten to Grade 12

  • Assessments for learning - designed to give teachers information to differentiate and modify teaching and activities

  • Assessments as learning - helps to develop and support metacognition for students

  • Assessments of learning - used to confirm what students know and can do as well as to demonstrate whether they have achieved curriculum objectives

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